Senile Cataract

What is senile cataract?

Cataracts are one of the most common eye conditions patients experience. They are common in older adults and mostly occur in patients aged 65 and over. Treatment for senior cataracts is highly effective with immediate improvement for the patient and their vision.

A cataract is a clouding of the lens of the human eye. As you age, the natural proteins in your lens begin to break down and your vision can become cloudy. Some people do not know they have cataracts for a long time as the progress is usually quite slow and may not impede the vision for some time.

Treatment for cataracts

Surgery is the only reliable treatment for cataracts. The procedure is common, quick and allows for improved vision and clarity very quickly. The surgery involves replacing the cloudy lens with a lens implant. This implant will be selected to the correct prescription for the patient.

Cataract surgery is a quick procedure and patients usually benefit from improved vision very quickly.

Cataract Surgery in London
Consultant Ophthalmologist and Vitreoretinal Surgeon

Is there treatment for Retinal detachment?

Laser treatment can be applied at early stages such as retinal tear and can prevent retinal detachment.

Vitrectomy is a procedure where the retina is re-attached to the wall of the eye from the inside. It involves the removal of vitreous (gel in the eye), treatment to the retinal tear and insertion of a gas or an oil bubble. The gas bubble will hold the retina as it heals. You cannot fly by plane until the gas bubble is reabsorbed. The eye naturally produces fluid over time. If an oil bubble is used, this will be removed a few months later. Vitrectomy is a c. 1 hour surgery done usually under local anaesthetic where the patient is awake. This is a day surgery and the patient goes home an hour post-surgery.

Scleral Buckle is a treatment where the wall of the eye is pushed to the retina from outside with a silicone band. It is a procedure of choice in certain types of retinal detachments, predominantly in younger patients. This is c. 2 hours surgery done under general anaesthetic where the patient is asleep. This is a day surgery and the patient goes home a couple of hours after surgery.

If you are experiencing a sudden onset of floaters, flashing lights or a growing shadow, you must seek an urgent ophthalmological review.

Main cataract symptoms

Patients may experience one or many symptoms including:
Reduction in your vision clarity that prescription glasses cannot help
A new found sensitivity to light and seeing halos around lights
Needing to change your glasses or contact lens prescriptions regularly
Yellow haziness at the edge of your vision
Colours appearing faded or washed out
Most patients will visit their optician with any of these symptoms. An optician should be able to fully check the eyes and if they find cataracts in either or both eyes you can seek the necessary treatment from a specialist.

If you would like to find out more or to book an appointment, please get in touch.